Resources, links & downloads
2009 Ecological management plan: Wildland Consultants
Steve Rate Richard Gillies, Andy Garrick Kelvin Lloyd
Ecological Management Plan 2009
2013 Water management options plan - Irricon Consulting
Dugald McTavish, Dr Robin Mitchell
Hawksbury Water Management Report 2013
2012 Metal concentrations within the sediment - University of Otago
Matt Desmond Dr Chris Hepburn, Dr Rebecca McLeod
Proposal for Water Management Scheme 2010
DOC and Hawksbury Lagoon Inc Community Agreement
Foote, N. R. (2017). Environmental and biological characteristics of East Otago estuaries along a gradient of marine connectivity (Thesis, Master of Science). University of Otago.
Habitat Plans
2013 Water management options plan - Irricon Consulting
Dugald McTavish, Dr Robin Mitchell
2009 Ecological management plan: Wildland Consultants
Steve Rate Richard Gillies, Andy Garrick Kelvin Lloyd
Progress to date - Ecological management plan
Zone A - Planting complete, seats installed
Zone B - Exposed side of causeways planted, seats installed.
Zone C - Walking track extended to enable exit onto Dumbarton Street.
Zone D & E - No work started as yet.
Zone F - Plantings of Cabbage trees and Flax carried out. Gorse now removed.
Zone G - Stewart Street causeway entrance planted and seats installed.
Home owners encouraged to plant lagoon margins with native plants.
Zone H & I - No work started as yet
Zone J - Flax and toe toe planted at the northern end.
Pine plantation cleared, area now planted in native species.
Zone K - Small areas of rushes planted.